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Tools for Handling Emotions
- Acknowledge Feelings with Words
- "You were looking forward to that playdate. How disappointing!"
- "It can be so frustrating when train tracks fall apart."
- Acknowledge Feelings with Writing
- "Oh no! We don't have the ingredients we need! Let's make a shopping list."
- "You really want that underwater Lego set. Let's write that down on your wish list."
- Acknowledge Feelings with Art
- "You seem so sad." (Draw a stick figure with big tears, or simply hand over a crayon or pencil.)
- "You are this angry!" (Make angry lines or rip and crumple paper.)
- Give in Fantasy What You Cannot Give in Reality
- "I wish we had a million billion more hours to play."
- Acknowledge Feelings with (Almost) Silent Attention
- "Ugh!" "Mmm." "Ooh." "Huh."
- All feelings can be accepted. Some actions must be limited!
- Sit on those "buts."
- Substitute: "the problem is..." or "Even though you know..."
- Match the emotion. Be dramatic!
- Resist the urge to ask questions of a distressed child.
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